
Enhance the efficiency of your daily routine by opting for our streamlined pricing structure.

Hourly Rate

There is no defined list of what is and is not included because our hourly pricing service is time-based. We are entirely flexible in the work we do, and our cleaners will put in their best effort during the allotted time. The hourly rate service is appropriate if you only need certain areas of your home cleaned.

Please be aware that our cleaners never attempt to work too rapidly or in a hurry. Instead, they will always place a great priority on cleaning.

Perfect if:
You want specific areas cleaned or just a couple of hours of cleaning here and there.

Flat Rate

A fixed-price service that includes all of your home’s general cleaning. We adhere to our thorough checklist and solely complete the task at hand. There are also one-time extras offered,
such End of lease cleanings.

Perfect if:
You want your whole house cleaned.
(Note: our ‘Service Provision Policy applies).

Hourly Rate

One Off

*Min. of 2 hours


*Min. of 2 hours


*Min. of 2 hours

3 or 4 Weekly

*Min. of 2 hours

How does it work?

Due to the fact that our hourly fee service is time-based, there is no set list of what is and is not included.
We may be completely flexible with the work we do, and our cleaners will work as hard as they can within the time that is scheduled.
If you only need specific portions of your house cleaned, the hourly cost service is ideal.
Please be aware that our cleaners will never rush or attempt to do too much too quickly. Instead, they will always prioritise cleaning to a high standard.


Flat Rate

The best option for having your complete home cleaned. The number of bedrooms and offices in your house will affect the price, and we will complete all general cleaning jobs in accordance with the attached checklists.

There is a list of additional services and their corresponding charges below the list of what is included in our complete house service.

Please select a “Spring Clean” if you haven’t done a thorough cleaning of your home in over a month.
Please be informed that for all of our flat-rate services, we follow the “Service Provision Policy” philosophy.

House / Apartment
1 Bedroom


House / Apartment
2 Bedroom




4 Bedrooms


House / Apartment
5 Bedrooms


House / Apartment
6 Bedrooms


All Areas

Flat Rate

Spring Clean

End of Lease (empty)

Light Tidy Up

Extensive Tidy Up (Max 30 mins)

Cobweb Removal

Empty Bins

Dust Skirting Boards/Window Sills/Doors

Wipe Skirting Boards/Window Sills/Doors

Dust/Clean Doors

Clean Accessible Light Switches/Power Points

Dust All Reachable Surfaces

Dust/Clean Mirrors

Air Freshen/Deodorise (optional)

Vacuum/Clean soft furnishing

Vacuum Accessible Areas Under Beds/Couches/Furniture


Clean Ceilings

Lightly Dust Blinds

Vacuum/Wipe visible window tracks/sills

Inside All Drawers/Cabinets


Inside All Drawers/Cabinets


Scrub/Clean Bath

Scrub/Clean Shower

Scrub/Clean Sinks

Wipe Down Benches

Clean Mirrors

Clean/Polish Tapware and Chrome

Wipe Down Cupboards (exterior)

Empty Bins

Clean/Disinfect Toilet

Scrub Wall Tiles/Grout

Clean Ceiling Exhaust Fans

Inside All Drawers/Cabinets

Bedrooms/Living Areas

Make Beds

Dust/Wipe All Surfaces

Inside All Drawers/Cabinets

Additional Prices For Our Services

Cleaning prices include additional fees for special requests or services.

Spring Clean


End of Lease


Inside Oven


Inside Fridge


Inside Drawers/Cabinets




Green Supplies


Inside Windows




Bed Changing



$25/30 mins

Wall Cleaning

$29 per wall

Steam Cleaning


Dish Washing


Wet Wiping Blinds
